Personality Type

Decoding ENTJ: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

How to Identify a Good Manager

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

1 of 16 Personality Types That Make a Good Manager

Overall, ENTJs are natural leaders who possess strong analytical skills, strategic thinking abilities, and a drive to achieve their goals. They are effective at mobilizing and inspiring others to work toward a common vision, but they are mindful of balancing their assertiveness with empathy and consideration for others' perspectives.

Confident: ENTJs are typically self-assured and confident in their abilities and decisions.

Strategic: They excel at strategic planning and are skilled at devising long-term plans to achieve their goals.

Assertive: ENTJs are assertive and persuasive communicators, often taking charge in group settings and guiding others toward their objectives with empathy and respect.

Ambitious: They are highly ambitious individuals who strive for success and are driven to accomplish both team and individual goals.

Competitive: ENTJs enjoy competition and are motivated by challenges that allow them to demonstrate their skills and abilities.

Direct: They value honesty, directness, and open communication with others.

Energetic: ENTJs are often high-energy individuals who thrive in dynamic and fast-paced environments.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ENTJ

What is behind "E"

Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I): Describes where individuals prefer to focus their attention and derive their energy. Extraverts are outgoing and energized by interacting with others, while introverts are more inward-focused and gain energy from solitude.

Manager, Extroverted (E): ENTJs are energized by interacting with people and the external world. They tend to be outgoing, assertive, and sociable. They enjoy being around others and often seek out leadership roles.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ENTJ

Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): Reflects how individuals prefer to gather information. Sensors rely on concrete, tangible data and focus on details, while Intuitives are more abstract thinkers who look for patterns and possibilities.

Manager, Intuitive (N): ENTJs focus on the big picture and future possibilities rather than details and present realities. They are imaginative, visionary, and innovative thinker. They prefer to explore abstract concepts and ideas rather than focusing solely on concrete facts.

What is behind "N"

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ENTJ

What is behind "T"

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): Concerns how individuals prefer to make decisions. Thinkers prioritize logic and objectivity, making decisions based on impersonal analysis, whereas Feelers prioritize empathy and personal values, considering the impact on people involved.

Manager, Thinking (T): ENTJs make decisions based on logical analysis and objective criteria rather than personal feelings or values. They value efficiency, effectiveness, and rationality in decision-making processes. They are straightforward and value clarity when expressing opinions or making judgments.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ENTJ

Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Describes how individuals prefer to deal with the external world. Judgers like structure and organization, preferring planned and orderly approaches, while Perceivers are adaptable and spontaneous, open to new experiences and information.

Manager, Judging + Perceiving (J(p)): ENTJs prefer a structured and organized approach to life, often planning and scheduling activities in advance. They are decisive and goal-oriented, seeking closure and resolution to issues quickly. They enjoy maintaining a sense of control and responsibility over their environment and thrive in situations where there is clear direction and progress, or where there is some latitude(p).

What is behind "J(p)"